Sci-Fi / Fantasy
Date Published: September 15, 2015
The Orion Psi Corps is in shambles, the dead still being counted. And though Orion’s retaliation has begun, Calchis isn’t finished yet.
New Axom City—that’s where Nyne Allen has taken refuge in the wake of his desertion from Orion. Soon it will become a battlefield, as familiar faces from both sides barrel toward a collision that will forever alter the course of history.
Meanwhile, in the Far East, Aaron Waverly learns the truth behind the red-robed man, and discovers a destiny that might one day spell the end of the world itself.
#1 – Do You See Writing as a Career?
Absolutely I do. It’s the one thing I love to do more than
any other. In fact, as far back as 3rd or 4th grade, all
I wanted was to be a professional fiction writer.
#2 – What was the Hardest Part of Your Writing Process?
I think for almost any writer one of the most difficult
things is taking the raw unfiltered prose of a first draft and refining it into
a finished product. I recently completed the 10th and final draft of
a young adult fantasy manuscript which I’ve been working on, on and off, for
about 3 years – and it’s only about 70,000 words. I’ve rewritten every
individual word in that piece at least once, if not twice.
Tl;dr version: Rewrites!
#3 – Did you have any One Person Who Helped You Out with
Your Writing Outside of Your Family?
I was lucky to have a few people, actually. Jacob Krueger,
my screenwriting teacher, who taught me the importance of putting character
first. Linda Roberts, who helped me prepare my first book for publication. And
editor Tom Jenks, who helped me set new goals for improving my writing craft.
#4 – What is next for your writing?
I’m hard at work on book 3 of the Psionic Earth series, Prophet
Rising. That will be released Fall 2016. As I mentioned earlier, I also
recently finished a YA fantasy novel, entitled The Ace of Kings. I’m shopping it around now, though I may decide
to self-publish.
I’m also working on some screenplays and short stories.
Currently debating my next novel project.
#5 – Do you have an addiction to reading as well as writing?
If so, what are you currently reading?
I do! At a friend’s recommendation, I’m currently reading
Laini Taylor’s Daughter of Smoke and Bone.
Loving it so far.
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X-Men meets Full Metal Jacket. Who will win the
secret superhuman war?
This or That?
#1 - iPd or Mp3?
#2 – Chocolate or Vanilla?
#3 – Mashed Potatoes or French Fries?
French fries.
#4 – Comedy or Drama?
#5 – Danielle Steel or Nicholas Sparks?
Haven’t read either.
#6 – Fantasy or Reality?
#7 – Call or Text?
#8 – Public School or Home School?
Public school.
#9 – Coffee or Hot Chocolate
#10 – eBook or Paperback?
Dan Levinson is a NY-based writer of speculative fiction. Trained as an actor at NYU's Tisch School of Arts, he also writes for the stage and screen. He grew up immersing himself in fantastical worlds, and now creates them. In addition to the Psionic Earth series, he is also the author of the upcoming YA fantasy novel The Ace of Kings, first book of The Conjurer's Cycle.
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October 20 - Travelogue of a Book Addict - Excerpt
October 21 - Muffy Wilson - Interview
October 22 - Mallory Heart Reviews - Review
October 22 - Cheshire Cat's Looking Glass - Excerpt
October 23 - Bound 2 Escape - Excerpt
October 24 - Books and Pearls - Excerpt
October 25 - Books, Authors, Blogs - Guest Post
October 26 - Chosen By You Book Club - Excerpt
October 27 - Around the World in Books - Guest Post
October 28 - My Reading Addiction - Interview
October 29 - Books Chatter - Interview
October 30 -A Life Through Books - Review
October 31 - Toi Box of Words - Interview
November 1 - Avenue Books - Guest Post
November 2 - The Indie Express - Review
November 3 - Mythical Books - Guest Post
November 4 - Texas Book Nook - Review
November 5 - Book Recs and Paperweights - Guest Post
November 6 - Gally Wampus - Interview
November 7 - Driftless - Guest Post
November 8 - The Bookish Ailurophile - Guest Post
November 9 - British Bookworm - Excerpt
November 10 - Lady of Books - Interview
November 11 - Avid Book Collector - Excerpt
November 12 - Jazzy's Book Reviews - Excerpt
November 13 - Steamy Side - Review
November 13 - RABT Reviews - Wrap Up
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