(Scintillate Series, Book #1)
Young Adult - Supernatural Romance/Thriller
Date Published: September 4, 2013
Kate Archer is instantly drawn to Nick. He's handsome, smart, and interested in her - perhaps a little too interested according to Kate's brother. And it's a good thing Nick is interested, or Kate would have died the night of the football game. Sure, Nick rescued Kate, but he can't stop the inevitable. Kate is changing; she just doesn't know it. She can't explain the visions and sensations affecting her body, but she can enjoy the pleasure of Nick's kiss - that is, until she learns the real reason he is with her. Betrayed by her genetics, Kate begins a metamorphosis that forces her to confront an unseen reality and claim her true destiny.
#1 – Do You See Writing as a Career? Of course! Although
writing is not your typical career - there are no salary guarantees or health
plan coverage - it can be very rewarding. Being a writer means that in all places
and at all times you are gathering experiences that you can use in your work.
The good times and the bad times can be rich sources that a writer can draw
from and sow into her work, opening people’s minds to new ideas or by simply
providing them an escape from reality. So writers, like teachers, do not work
tirelessly for the money, they do it for love. Love of the characters, the
escape, and the desire to bring joy to others.
#2 – What was the Hardest Part of Your Writing Process?
Every part. Ha! I always have trouble with the rough draft because I don’t want
it to sound rough. I think about it and dwell on words much more than I should.
I’ve read that authors should just let their fingers fly over the keys and get
through their manuscript, but I reread and find myself editing as I go along.
This means it takes me longer than most to write my rough drafts, although I do
usually finish the rough draft in 90 days. So I guess I’m not too bad. But then
the revision stage is difficult too. I reread and reread again and again trying
to strengthen or tighten a paragraph. At some point I have to just say I am
finished because I could keep editing forever.
#3 – Did you have any One Person Who Helped You Out with
Your Writing Outside of Your Family? I have to give my husband credit. He’s
always willing to help me when I have a question about word choice or some
other detail. However, I have two good friends, Melanie and Emily, who are always
there for me. I hand over my babies (rough drafts) to them, and they give me their
advice. Their help is invaluable because it’s so hard for a writer to know how
a reader will perceive the events in a book.
#4 – What is next for your writing? I am working on the
third and final book for The Scintillate Series. As of now, the title is SYNCHRONICITY. When I finish that, I will
try a contemporary romance. I’m loving that genre right now.
#5 – Do you have an addiction to reading as well as writing?
If so, what are you currently reading? Yes! I do a lot of reading when I’m at
the pool with my girls or taking them to their after school activities. Every
night I snuggle under the sheets with my iPhone and read until I can hardly
keep my eyes open. At this pace, I can read a book within a day or two. Right
now I’m reading LOVING LAUREN (The West Series Book 1) by Jill Sanders.
DESCRIBE Your Book in 1 Tweet: SCINTILLATE-Kate can’t
explain the visions & sensations affecting her body, but she can enjoy
Nick’s kiss. Can he save her from her destiny?
This or That?
#1 - iPod or Mp3? Neither, but I love my TuneIn Radio app on
my iPhone. I also love using Pandora through my television and blaring it
throughout the house, especially at Christmas.
#2 – Chocolate or Vanilla? Chocolate. There is no competition.
And if there’s caramel with sea salt – Watch out!
#3 – Mashed Potatoes or French Fries? Fries with burgers.
Mashed Potatoes with every other meat.
#4 – Comedy or Drama? Comedy if my kids are around. Drama if
I’m by myself.
#5 – Danielle Steel or Nicholas Sparks? Nicholas Sparks
makes me cry – always. So I have to go with Danielle Steel.
#6 – Fantasy or Reality? Can I go with realistic fantasy?
Something along the lines of GAME OF THRONES. It feels realistic, but then
there are some fantastical events that blur the line of reality.
#7 – Call or Text? Text if I’m not in a hurry. Call if I’m
under a time crunch or just want to hear someone’s voice.
#8 – Public School or Home School? I taught in the public
school for 10 years, and my girls go to public school now. So I have to go with
#9 – Coffee or Hot Chocolate? Love hot chocolate, but it has
too many calories. Coffee with creamer and a little Kahlua is almost as good.
#10 – eBook or Paperback? eBook. Just can’t beat the
Story time always captivated Karen. As a child, she fell in love with books that transported her to different worlds and introduced her to new creatures. As a teacher, she encouraged her students to explore different times and new worlds through literature. Now, when Karen isn’t living in reality with her husband and daughters, she can be found creating an alternate reality filled with creatures and worlds that she hopes will delight and raise goose bumps on her readers.
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I'm excited to promote SCINTILLATE with Reading Addiction. I've been asked about my inspiration for the cover. I chose a butterfly because it goes through metamorphosis. Kate is also changing, although she doesn't know it. The eyes have a dual meaning. Kate is being watched/guarded, but the color of the eyes can be pondered in the sequel, SYMBIOSIS (already available). The dagger for the body of the butterfly is because Kate is surrounded by violence.