Today is the Kick Off of the Torn Together Tour!

Women's Fiction
Date Published: 8/15/12
Evolved Publishing
From her cheating boyfriend to her dead father and cold, judgmental mother, Daly knows she can’t trust others to be there when it counts. This cynicism begins to melt away when she meets Kashi, a light-hearted charmer from India, who decides he cares too much to let her fade into the background of her own life. After a series of false starts, their quirky romance carries them to India, where Daly must win the approval of Kashi’s family in order to seal their “forever.”
Meanwhile, Laine struggles to cope with the pain of early widowhood, fleeing into the pages of her well-worn library and emerging only to perform her duties as a social worker at the crisis pregnancy center. Although her daughter wants nothing more than to work as an artist, Laine doesn’t know how to redirect Daly to a more suitable profession without further damaging their tenuous relationship.
Can Laine look past her pain to learn from an unlikely mentor? Has Daly finally found someone whom she can trust? Will the women recognize their common bonds before the relationship is broken beyond repair?
From her cheating boyfriend to her dead father and cold, judgmental mother, Daly knows she can’t trust others to be there when it counts. This cynicism begins to melt away when she meets Kashi, a light-hearted charmer from India, who decides he cares too much to let her fade into the background of her own life. After a series of false starts, their quirky romance carries them to India, where Daly must win the approval of Kashi’s family in order to seal their “forever.”
Meanwhile, Laine struggles to cope with the pain of early widowhood, fleeing into the pages of her well-worn library and emerging only to perform her duties as a social worker at the crisis pregnancy center. Although her daughter wants nothing more than to work as an artist, Laine doesn’t know how to redirect Daly to a more suitable profession without further damaging their tenuous relationship.
Can Laine look past her pain to learn from an unlikely mentor? Has Daly finally found someone whom she can trust? Will the women recognize their common bonds before the relationship is broken beyond repair?

Reading Addiction Blog Tours MEET and GREET
#1 – Do You See Writing as a Career?
Absolutely. Just because you love your job, that doesn’t magically make it, um, not a
job. You need to make sure you are well-trained through reading reference guides,
honing your craft, and paying attention to evaluations (re: reviews). You need to put
in the time, the hours, the energy. You need to take pride in what you do and realize
its importance. Writing is absolutely a job, and it’s a wonderful—although sometimes
#2 – What was the Hardest Part of Your Writing Process?
Plotting is the hardest for me. I like to build really strong characters, and sometimes I
allow them to distract me from my story. These detours can be good, or they can cripple
your work. I guess that’s why Faulkner said “kill your darlings.” That’s why I kill off so
many of my characters, dontcha know? ;-)
#3 – Did you have any One Person Who Helped You Out with Your Writing Outside of
Your Family?
My best friend, Rebecca, has been my biggest supporter—hands-down. She reads
everything I write at least three times and gives me feedback about what is working and
what could be working better. She also listens to me drone on and on about my ideas
for stories and never shows any signs of being bored (which I’ve got to imagine she is at
least sometimes—I can talk for hours on end).
#4 – What is next for your writing?
I’m currently working on finishing up my YA series, Farsighted. The first two books
(Farsighted and Open Heart) are already out there, and my publisher wants me to finish
up the final three (Pitch, Vertigo, Refrain) for an accelerated launch schedule in 2013. I
love writing this series, so I’m really excited about it. Just have to find enough time to
get it all done!
#5 – Do you have an addiction to reading as well as writing? If so, what are you currently
Of course, I love reading! I mean, what writer doesn’t? Well, I’ve been in a bit of a
reading slump, unfortunately. I’ve been attempting to read Fifty Shades of Grey for
the last three months and am about half done. I think it’s killing a little part of me,
and that’s probably not a good thing. Do you have any recommendations to help me
rekindle my love?
iPod or Mp3?
Actually, neither. I listen to music either via GrooveShark on my computer or SiriusXM in
my car.
Chocolate or Vanilla?
Chocolate. Every single time.
Comedy or Drama?
Comedy in film. Drama in literature.
Danielle Steel or Nicholas Sparks?
Gag me, neither.
Fantasy or Reality?
Fantasy. It’s where I live.
Call or Text?
Text. More efficient.
Public School or Home School?
Public school. Everyone needs to be socialized, durn it!
Coffee or Hot Chocolate?
Coffee, a thousand times, coffee.
eBook or Paperback?
Love my eBooks. Sorry, old school readers!
Follow Along With This Tour!
September28 -Reading Addiction Blog Tours - Meet and Greet
September 29 -Me and Reading - Review/Interview/Giveaway
October 1 - My Cozie Corner - Review/Giveaway
October 1- My Reading Addiction - Review/Excerpt/Giveaway
October 3 - Debbie Jean's Blog - Review/Giveaway/Excerpt
October 4 - Anatea's Bookshelf - Review/Interview/Giveaway/Excerpt
October 5 - Up All Night Reviews - Review/Giveaway/Excerpt
October 5 - Jersey Girl Book Reviews - Review/Interview/Excerpt
October 9 - Bunny's Reviews - Review/Interview/Giveaway/excerpt
October 10 - The Self Taught Cook - Review
October 11 - My Devotional Thoughts - Review/Giveaway/Excerpt
October 12 - Up All Night Reviews - Review/Giveaway/Excerpt
September28 -Reading Addiction Blog Tours - Meet and Greet
September 29 -Me and Reading - Review/Interview/Giveaway
October 1 - My Cozie Corner - Review/Giveaway
October 1- My Reading Addiction - Review/Excerpt/Giveaway
October 3 - Debbie Jean's Blog - Review/Giveaway/Excerpt
October 4 - Anatea's Bookshelf - Review/Interview/Giveaway/Excerpt
October 5 - Up All Night Reviews - Review/Giveaway/Excerpt
October 5 - Jersey Girl Book Reviews - Review/Interview/Excerpt
October 9 - Bunny's Reviews - Review/Interview/Giveaway/excerpt
October 10 - The Self Taught Cook - Review
October 11 - My Devotional Thoughts - Review/Giveaway/Excerpt
October 12 - Up All Night Reviews - Review/Giveaway/Excerpt
i came upon this book and i would love o read and blog it for you and then i amf oing to try to do the hop for you