Sunday, May 4, 2014

Tour Kick Off - The Sales Crime Policeman by David J. Rollins

Science Fiction / Humor / Romance
Date Published: November 19, 2013

The future is no place to fall in love. 
Amazing advances in technology have all but replaced relationships. People can purchase spouses programmed to their individual tastes and desires, anything from an aversion to expensive guilt gifts to perfumed flatulence. Attachments are even available for the more discriminating customers. Anyone can have anyone they want, as long as they don’t want someone who looks like someone else. That’s against the law. It could also make things a little awkward at social events.
For one man, technology is not enough. He is a Telepathic Vacuum Cleaner Salesperson Policeman, and he wants to fall in love with a real woman. Like most men, he is not perfect. He has no name. He had to give up that up when he became a policeman. He is terribly afraid of roller coasters. And he doesn’t have any attachments.
When he finds the woman of his dreams, she is not what he expected. Like most women, she doesn’t feel the same way about him. She has a spouse certified to be her perfect mate. And she is in prison. The policeman had her arrested, because she is one of the most wanted criminals in his world.
Now, the policeman has to choose between everything he is and everything he wants.
The future is no place to fall in love.

#1 – Do You See Writing as a Career?

Only in my dreams.

In some ways, I am kind of glad it’s not a career for me. I don’t feel like I have to write to please a large number of people. I don’t feel like I am restricted from doing something that otherwise feels right simply because it might offend someone. And I don’t even feel like I have to write. I just do. And I write to please myself and the kind of people who like what I write. It’s a niche market, not enough to interest a publisher looking to sell millions. And I am fine with that.

Then again, I also admit that if I were selling millions and making millions, I might feel differently.

#2 – What was the Hardest Part of Your Writing Process?

The hardest part is finding time to write. Between a demanding job and a loving family, it’s hard to find time to sit down and crawl into my strange little worlds. It’s a good problem to have though.

#3 – Did you have any One Person Who Helped You Out with Your Writing Outside of Your Family?

That would have to be Mark Ward, my best friend from high school. He is the reason I am writing. I only wish he were still around to see what I have done with his gift.

#4 – What is next for your writing?

I am working on a series of eight novellas called Angry Edenites. It is about four people who are searching for the Garden of Eden. Luckily, they have a map. I plan to publish about one a month. If you like The Sales Crime Policeman, you will like Angry Edenites. It is written in the same style. There are four of them published now.

#5 – Do you have an addiction to reading as well as writing? If so, what are you currently reading?

I love to read, but during what little free time I have, I have to decide between reading or writing. Writing usually wins, or at least sitting in front of my computer does anyway.

I am reading Brom’s Child Thief, right now and it is amazing.

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The future is no place to fall in love, but it’s the perfect place for a telepathic vacuum cleaner salesperson policeman to find a date.

This or That?

#1 - iPd or Mp3? MP3, all the way. Apples are bad. At least, that’s what my preacher told me.

#2 – Chocolate or Vanilla? Chocolate… Chip Cookie Dough.

#3 – Mashed Potatoes or French Fries? Tater Tots. I don’t know why, but I love me some tater tots.

#4 – Comedy or Drama? Comedy. Life’s too short not to laugh as much as you can.

#5 – Danielle Steel or Nicholas Sparks? Who are they?

#6 – Fantasy or Reality? Fantasy, of course. What’s life without a few dreams?

#7 – Call or Text? Text, unless my wife is calling.

#8 – Public School or Home School? Public. It may not be the greatest education, but it’s life.

#9 – Coffee or Hot Chocolate. Hot Apple Cider.

#10 – eBook or Paperback? I used to be a paper man, but I’ve grown to love the convenience of E-books. It’s a shame I will carry to the end of my days.

David J. Rollins is a paralegal by day, husband by night, and sometimes finds time to write. As a young man, he had had different plans, but that’s the way life works out most of the time.

David has been writing since Seventh Grade. He started with the adventures of Super Pimp and his sidekick Squirt. His hero was Philip K. Dick, who strangely enough did not write about things like Pimps and Squirts. Like any fan, David wanted to follow in his hero’s footsteps. Unlike most fans, he wanted to follow them even after finding out that his hero, at one point in his life, was so poor that he resorted to eating dog food. What David lacked in aspirations, he made up for in determination.

From those humble beginnings, David became the man he is today. He is happier than he ever thought he would be and is living a life he never imagined in his wildest dreams. And that’s the way David’s life worked out. He was and is very lucky.

As further proof of his luck, David has lost every one of the stories about Super Pimp and his sidekick Squirt. He has also never had to eat dog food. 

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