Sunday, July 14, 2013

Tour Kick Off - Meet and Greet - Keeper of Reign by Emma Right

Young Adult Fantasy
Date Published: 5/19/2013

Books written in blood. Most are lost, their Keepers with them. A curse that befell a people. A Kingdom with no King. Life couldn’t get more harrowing for the Elfies, a blend of Elves and Fairies. Or for sixteen-year-old Jules Blaze. Or could it? 

For Jules, the heir of a Keeper, no less, suspects his family hides a forgotten secret. It was bad enough that his people, the Elfies of Reign, triggered a curse which reduced the entire inhabitants to a mere inch centuries ago. All because of one Keeper who failed his purpose. Even the King’s Ancient Books, did not help ward off that anathema. 

Now, Gehzurolle, the evil lord, and his armies of Scorpents, seem bent on destroying Jules and his family. Why? Gehzurolle’s agents hunt for Jules as he journeys into enemy land to find the truth. Truth that could save him and his family, and possibly even reverse the age-long curse. Provided Jules doesn't get himself killed first.

#1 – Do You See Writing as a Career?

Yes, and a hobby, a passion and an outlet.
#2 – What was the Hardest Part of Your Writing Process?
Trying to get at least a ten minute block of time without being interrupted by some comment, or 'Help! Mommy! The cat's scaring the dog!" or "Where is…" or a loud crash coming from somewhere, or a fight between the cat and the bunny…the list continues.

#3 – Did you have any One Person Who Helped You Out with Your Writing Outside of Your Family?
My editor, Dr. Dennis Hensley, helped me in the editing process the most. Also the books on the craft of writing, and storytelling from Writer's Digest were instrumental in helping me improve.

#4 – What is next for your writing?
Book 2 of the Reign Fantasy series is already in the works. And yes, I did write Keeper of Reign as a first book, no question about it. And yes, I did set it up to have a cliff hanger ending--that's how they do it on TV, right? Why, because the story couldn't be told in one book. Read Lord of the Rings? When LOTR first came out it was one huge volume, but the publishers thought it was too large a read, so JRR Tolkein broke it up into three books. Also, I have a suspense contemporary YA (mixed with mystery) coming up at the end of the year. That too will be part of a series.

#5 – Do you have an addiction to reading as well as writing? If so, what are you currently reading?
Reading all the time. Any snatches of time I can get a hold of. I used to read in the bathroom growing up, and that drove my mother crazy!

DESCRIBE Your Book in 1 Tweet:
Keeper of Reign, for Narnia and Hobbit lovers, with an Elfish twist, promises to encourage young readers they can make a difference.

This or That?

#1 - iPd or Mp3?
#2 – Chocolate or Vanilla?

#3 – Mashed Potatoes or French Fries?

#4 – Comedy or Drama?

#5 – Danielle Steel or Nicholas Sparks?

#6 – Fantasy or Reality?
This is tough--there's reality in fantasy, and fantasy in reality.

#7 – Call or Text?
I'm an author,. text!

#8 – Public School or Home School?
Home school.

#9 – Coffee or Hot Chocolate?

#10 – eBook or Paperback?

Emma Right is a happy wife and homeschool mother of five living in the Pacific West Coast of the USA. Besides running a busy home, and looking after their five pets, which includes two cats, two bunnies and a Long-haired dachshund, she also writes stories for her children. When she doesn't have her nose in a book, she is telling her kids to get theirs in one.
Right worked as a copywriter for two major advertising agencies and won several awards, including the prestigious Clio Award for her ads, before she settled down to have children. 
Visit Emma Right at her home site and blog for tips and ideas about books, homeschooling, bible devotions, and author helps of various sorts: and follow her on facebook

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1 comment:

  1. Hi Everyone! I am so looking forward to "meeting" you all!
