Monday, October 21, 2024

Book Blitz: The Spiderboys of Aranae by Glenn Thomas #scifi #sciencefiction #giveaway #rabtbooktours


Volume 1


Science Fiction

Date Published: 10-01-2024



To the people of Earth, it is generally agreed that there is no sight more extraordinary than that of their human cousins on the distant colony of Aranae jumping onto the backs of giant spiders and riding off as if going to a picnic.

To the people of Aranae, it means freedom.  But for The Provenance, their Earth rulers, one of their colonies entertaining thoughts of liberty makes them uncomfortable.

In the first three Spiderboy adventures comprising Volume 1, we follow the sixteen-year-old runaway, Haley as she discovers for herself the meaning of freedom.


1.  Haley’s First Spider Bite.

Billionaire’s daughter Haley Morgan joins forces with an unlikely ally in an escaped convict on a quest to track down and apprehend a dangerous outlaw while at the same time dodge the spiderboy search party sent to catch Haley and return her home.  And as in all young-woman-joins-up-with-escaped-prisoner stories, things are bound to get out of hand.


2.  Malady in Savoy.

Continuing her quest, Haley takes a job as a showgirl in the city of Savoy where she becomes the object of mistaken identity, gets caught up in interstellar intrigue and falls for a roguish fugitive agent from Earth.  Shape-shifting does have its drawbacks.


3.  Along Came a Spider.

Haley endures a marathon battle of survival with a monstrous Trap Door spider that is determined to pin the girl on its venom-laced fangs.


About the Author

Glenn Thomas’s life path has been a meandering one, setting new life goals at various points along the way, gaining knowledge in art, photography, filmmaking, driving commercial vehicles, and ultimately, writing both screenplays and prose.  As a self-described “high-functioning daydreamer,” Glenn often finds contentment in self-imposed isolation, in conversations with an eclectic array of characters and personalities in universes of his creation.  Once in a while, he writes their stories into scripts and novels to share with the world.

From a young age, those who spent time with Glenn quickly recognized his remarkable gift of daydreaming.  According to his first-grade report card, his teacher, Mrs. Haslett, wrote, “Glenn is on cloud nine.”  With that ringing endorsement from one of his earliest admirers, Glenn has made his circuitous path to this time and place to make some practical use of this often-misunderstood gift.  With a nostalgic smile to his past, Glenn created his film production company, Cloud 9 Filmworks, shortly after completing film school in 2005, which has now expanded in 2024 to Cloud 9 Press to oversee his books.

Glenn lives in the Los Angeles area, and when he’s not writing, he works as a driver for a major motion picture studio where the real money’s at.  His first self-published work was a series of short science fiction stories called The Spiderboys of Aranae, released in 2015 and revised in 2024.  Also, in 2024, the first book in a science fiction series titled The Stars Rain Down debuted.  Set in the same universe as Spiderboys, SRD has strong connections with the earlier work, and fans of one book will enjoy the other.

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a Rafflecopter giveaway 

RABT Book Tours & PR

Release Blitz: What We Wished For by Lisa Crawford Watson #memoir #nonfiction #newbooks #releaseday #giveaway #rabtbooktours


An Adoption Story


Date Published: October 22, 2024

Publisher: Double Entendre Ink


A twin herself, Lisa Crawford Watson believes she has the insight needed to mother twins. Mounting obstacles impede the adoption process, and she examines whether such setbacks are signs that she shouldn’t adopt. But when identical twin infant sisters in need of a permanent, stable home come into her life, she falls in love with them and knows what she must do.

Adopting premature twin girls who were born drug- and alcohol-addicted, and jostled, separately, from foster home to foster home, creates one hardship after another. Lisa quickly learns that raising children is a feat of sacrifice and unpredictability, and caring for children born into trauma may be more difficult than she ever could have imagined. Over the years, the twins wreak havoc on every relationship within the family and on Lisa’s heart. Has adopting the girls caused more harm than good?

What We Wished For: An Adoption Story shares a woman’s quest to build a loving family. It is a tale of courage, perseverance, and what remains when things don’t go as imagined. This memoir speaks to anyone who has ever struggled with a life-altering decision, one from which there is no turning back.

About the Author

A fifth-generation Northern Californian, Lisa Crawford Watson has published seven books and thousands of articles in local and national newspapers and magazines. She earned a bachelor’s degree in sociolinguistics from the University of California, Davis, and a master's degree in education administration from California State University, Sacramento. She currently teaches communications, writing, and journalism at California State University, Monterey Bay.

Lisa lives with her husband in Carmel on the legendary Monterey Peninsula, where she focuses on fitness, family, and philanthropy. As a resident of the “Canine Capital of the Country,” Lisa has a devoted following for her weekly dog column, for which she has profiled more than seven-hundred furry friends.

Contact Links


Facebook: Lcwcarmel

Instagram: @lisacrawfordwatson

Substack: Lisa Crawford Watson

Purchase Link





a Rafflecopter giveaway 

RABT Book Tours & PR

Teaser: Venus by Marteeka Karland #exceprt #comingsoon #preorder #motorcycleclubromance #mcromance #rabtbooktours @changelingpress

(Iron Tzars MC)

Motorcycle Club Romance, Suspense, Age Gap

Date Published: October 25, 2024



Venus: I come from world filled with violence, death, and impossible choices. I’ve only backed down from fight once, and that left me with pain and regret. But now, I have chance to balance scales. I’m known as most dangerous member of Salvation’s Bane MC. But truth is, beneath tough exterior, I’m still a scared young woman running from monsters, trying to protect those I love. That fear ends today. Only problem? Biker named Piston. Doesn’t know meaning of personal space. He’s always there, watching me, protecting me, and even though I’d never admit it, his presence brings strange sense of peace. He makes me want things I can never have.

Piston: For more than a decade, I’ve been Venus’s silent protector. In the shadows, I’ve watched her, stalking her every move. When she settled in Palm Beach with Salvation’s Bane, I made sure to be close by. I keep an eye on her, guarding her, even if she doesn’t realize it. But when an enemy from her past threatens her, I step out of the shadows. Venus is on the hunt, and the monster she’s chasing has awakened the beast in me. I protect what’s mine. And Venus? She’s mine.

Author’s Note: Venus’ first person narrative is written in heavily accented English. Articles (the, a, an) do not exist in Russian language.




Venus first turned up on my radar over a decade ago when she was in the FSB in Russia. The agency I worked for was very interested in her for some reason. I was never given the details, but I got the feeling they were interested in luring her away from Russia. Likely because they were afraid of her. I played my cards carefully regarding Venus. I told them the strict truth, but I left out a lot.

Like how I’d never seen her equal in a hunter. Or that that real shade of her hair was a very pale blonde. Or how young she looked when she let her guard down, which wasn’t often. Or how beautiful she was. I kept that to myself because I didn’t trust the CIA any further than I could piss. If they were interested in this woman, she was someone I needed to protect.

For years I kept to the shadows. When she joined Salvation’s Bane MC, I found a home with Grim Road MC. They were completely off the radar and close enough for me to keep an eye on Venus.

I had to smile. If she knew the extent to which I’ve been on her six and for how long, she’d gut me like a fish.

But that’s the thing about being in deep cover. You learn how to keep secrets, even from yourself. And Venus? She was one secret I’d vowed never to spill. Much to the dismay of my handlers. They knew there was more to her than I reported.

Tonight, as I held her pinned against me, feeling the rise and fall of her chest, the stakes felt higher than ever. Her anger and her fire were intoxicating, making every moment with her a volatile mix of danger and desire.

“Listen,” I whispered into her ear, my voice low and steady against the chill night air. “I’m not your enemy, Venus. I think you know that.”

“I know you are pompous ass.” She hissed at me over her shoulder, but I wasn’t fooled. If this woman wanted to be free, she’d be free. And I’d be lying in pool of my own blood.


“Glad to see my charm didn’t go unnoticed.”

She struggled in my hold a bit longer, then relaxed with a huff, her body still tense but no longer fighting. “You’re infuriating, you know that, Piston?”

“That’s part of my charm too,” I replied, the corner of my mouth lifting slightly. I loosened my grip just enough to let her know she could break free if she wanted. It was a test as much as it was a truce.

Venus turned within my arms to face me, her gaze fierce and calculating. She wasn’t afraid of me, she knew she could take me, but she wasn’t ready to kill me yet. Made me wonder why. One thing I’d learned about Venus over the years was she never did anything without at least a frame up of a plan.

With slow deliberate movements, she backed up one step. Then another.

“Is this a truce then?” I kept my hands to my sides, but was ready to defend myself if necessary.

“I’m not sure.” She gave me a curious look, her gaze moving boldly over me. Then her brow furrowed. “I’m really not sure.”

“Then let’s call it a truce. We can always decide later to resume fighting.”

Venus’s lips twisted into a skeptical smile, but she nodded slowly. “Fine, truce for now. But don’t think this means I trust you, Piston. We’re not buddies.”

“Wouldn’t dream of it,” I replied, my voice low and even. Her distrust was like a sharp blade held at my neck, yet there was something exhilarating about not knowing when she might decide to slash. It was all I could do to keep from smiling. My cock didn’t care if she saw him or not and shot hard so fast I nearly winced. Thankfully, if she noticed, she didn’t mention it.

We stood in silence for a moment, the tension between us palpable. The night air was warm against my skin, and somewhere nearby an owl hooted, a solitary sound that seemed to emphasize the isolation of our current circumstances.

Venus finally broke the silence. “So, what now, Piston? We just stand here in dark staring at each other until one of us breaks?” There was a hint of amusement in her voice, a playful challenge I hadn’t heard before.

I shrugged nonchalantly. “We could do that, or we could put this temporary truce to better use.”

“What do you propose?” Her voice was cautious yet intrigued, her eyes scanning my face for any hint of deceit.

“We work together,” I said simply. “You have your skills and resources, I have mine. Together, we can find and kill the fuck outta Zaitsev.”

“Why do you want to kill him?” She was genuinely curious, but I knew she was filing away all this information for inspection later. She’d remember everything about our conversation, my expressions, the inflection of my voice, and dissect it for every ounce of information. Just like she’d been trained to do. Same as me.

“Isn’t it enough that his goons kidnapped my vice president?”

She nodded slowly. “Sure. But I don’t think that’s whole story with you.”

Smart woman. “I’ll tell you my secrets if you tell me yours.”

“Right.” She picked up the gun Zaitsev had shot me with, checking the weapon before tucking it against her back in the waistband of her pants. “I’m going back to Tzars. Lemon wanted me to check on Dani.”

I raised an eyebrow. “Lemon. Wanted you to check on her sister.” I spoke slowly, wanting to make sure I’d heard her right, because it sounded suspiciously like Venus, the badass assassin for the FSB, was… running. From me.

Two things were foremost in my mind. First, it didn’t sit well that she wanted away from me. Granted, she didn’t know me as well as I knew her, but I was becoming more and more protective of Venus. I wanted her close where she couldn’t get into more trouble than she could get herself out of. Though I’d watched her from afar for years (stalker much?), I liked having her close. I blamed my vice president. Had it not been for Lemon getting kidnapped, I might never have gotten this close to Venus for this long. I damned sure wouldn’t have gone with her to kill the man she’d been trying to take down for a decade.

The second thing, though…

Yeah. Having my arms around Venus -- even to keep her from eviscerating me with her dagger-like nails -- awoke something inside me I thought was way the fuck dead. I was forty-seven years old, for crying out loud. While I had an active sex drive, I hadn’t been this hard for this long in years. Hadn’t had a need for it. If I had an itch, I scratched it with a club whore. No fuss. No muss. And no one expecting to be all up in my space.

Part of what I did at Grim Road was take care of… issues. Permanently. I’d love to say it was why I came with Venus on this errand, but I’d be lying. I’d claimed her in my mind the moment I’d seen her.


About the Author

Marteeka Karland is an international bestselling author who leads a double life as an erotic romance author by evening and a semi-domesticated housewife by day. Known for her down and dirty MC romances, Marteeka takes pleasure in spinning tales of tenacious, protective heroes and spirited, vulnerable heroines. She staunchly advocates that every character deserves a blissful ending, even, sometimes, the villains in her narratives. Her writings are speckled with intense, raw elements resulting in page-turning delight entwined with seductive escapades leading up to gratifying conclusions that elicit a sigh from her readers.

Away from the pen, Marteeka finds joy in baking and supporting her husband with their gardening activities. The late summer season is set aside for preserving the delightful harvest that springs from their combined efforts (which is mostly his efforts, but you can count it). To stay updated with Marteeka's latest adventures and forthcoming books, make sure to visit her website. Don't forget to register for her newsletter which will pepper you with a potpourri of Teeka's beloved recipes, book suggestions, autograph events, and a plethora of interesting tidbits.


Author Links

Author on Instagram & TikTok: @marteekakarland

Author on Facebook


Publisher on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and TikTok: @changelingpress


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RABT Book Tours & PR

Tour Kick Off:What We Wished For by Lisa Crawford Watson #memoir #nowontour #nonfiction #giveaway #rabtbooktours


An Adoption Story


Date Published: October 22, 2024

Publisher: Double Entendre Ink


A twin herself, Lisa Crawford Watson believes she has the insight needed to mother twins. Mounting obstacles impede the adoption process, and she examines whether such setbacks are signs that she shouldn’t adopt. But when identical twin infant sisters in need of a permanent, stable home come into her life, she falls in love with them and knows what she must do.

Adopting premature twin girls who were born drug- and alcohol-addicted, and jostled, separately, from foster home to foster home, creates one hardship after another. Lisa quickly learns that raising children is a feat of sacrifice and unpredictability, and caring for children born into trauma may be more difficult than she ever could have imagined. Over the years, the twins wreak havoc on every relationship within the family and on Lisa’s heart. Has adopting the girls caused more harm than good?

What We Wished For: An Adoption Story shares a woman’s quest to build a loving family. It is a tale of courage, perseverance, and what remains when things don’t go as imagined. This memoir speaks to anyone who has ever struggled with a life-altering decision, one from which there is no turning back.

About the Author

A fifth-generation Northern Californian, Lisa Crawford Watson has published seven books and thousands of articles in local and national newspapers and magazines. She earned a bachelor’s degree in sociolinguistics from the University of California, Davis, and a master's degree in education administration from California State University, Sacramento. She currently teaches communications, writing, and journalism at California State University, Monterey Bay.

Lisa lives with her husband in Carmel on the legendary Monterey Peninsula, where she focuses on fitness, family, and philanthropy. As a resident of the “Canine Capital of the Country,” Lisa has a devoted following for her weekly dog column, for which she has profiled more than seven-hundred furry friends.

Contact Links


Facebook: Lcwcarmel

Instagram: @lisacrawfordwatson

Substack: Lisa Crawford Watson

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October 22 - My Bookmarked Reads - Spotlight

October 23 -The Indie Express - Review

October 24 - Momma Says to Read or Not to Read - Spotlight

October 25 - The Avid Reader - Interview

October 28 -Texas Book Nook - Review

October 29 - Matters That Count - Spotlight

October 30 -Books Blog - Spotlight

November 4 - Ella English - Spotlight

November 5 - Book Junkiez - Excerpt

November 6 - Novel News Network - Review

November 7 -Nana's book Reviews - Spotlight

November 8 - On a Reading Bender- Review

November 11 -A Life Through Books - Interview

November 12 -The Faerie Review - Spotlight

November 13 - Our Town Book Reviews - Excerpt

November 14 - Crossroad Reviews - Spotlight

November 18 - Tea Time and Books - Spotlight

November 19 - My Reading Addiction - Interview

November 20 -Liliyana Shadowlyn - Spotlight

November 21 -Momma and Her Stories - Excerpt
November 22 - RABT Reviews - Wrap Up 

RABT Book Tours & PR

Tour Kick Off: He Chose Me by Diamante Lavendar #nowontour #nonfiction #christian #poetry #giveaway #rabtbooktours @DiamanteLavenda


Reflections On Living A Christian Life


Christian Non-fiction/ Christian Art / Poetry / Prose

Date Published: June 12, 2024 (Blurb)/ August 22, 2024 (Amazon)


As a new Christian, there were many things that I didn't understand about living a Christian life. Through the years, the Holy Spirit taught me wisdom and understanding which became a guide for me regarding how to live a more loving and accepting life toward myself and others.

This book is a collection of some of those truths. It is my attempt to help those who are new to the Christian faith. I hope that it will guide readers to understand God's ways with a new perspective and passion.

Walking with God is truly a mystery and an adventure-it is the journey of a lifetime! He is our greatest treasure and our very best friend. I hope to not only convey those truths through my writing, but also to warm the hearts and souls of those who read this gift book with His love and light at the same time! God bless and enjoy!

About the Author

Diamante Lavendar is an award-winning Christian author and artist.  She writes about topics such as living by faith, finding hope to persevere in life, and overcoming pain and hardship.  She is also the founder of Timeless Reflections Magazine.  To learn more, please visit


Contact Links



Twitter:  @DiamanteLavenda




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October 22 - The Faerie Review - Spotlight

October 23 - Our Town Book Reviews - Review

October 24 - Books Blog - Spotlight

October 28 - Matters That Count - Spotlight

October 29 - The Avid Reader - Interview

October 30 - Tea Time and Books - Spotlight

October 31 - Nana's Book Reviews - Spotlight

November 4 - Texas Book Nook - Review

November 5 - Momma Says to Read or not to Read - Spotlight

November 6 - Momma and Her Stories - Excerpt

November 7 - BRVL Book Review Virginia Lee - Spotlight

November 11 - My Bookmarked Reads - Spotlight

November 12 - Book Junkiez - Excerpt

November 13 - Crossroad Reviews - Spotlight

November 14 - Liliyana Shadowlyn - Spotlight

November 18 - A Life Through Books - Interview



a Rafflecopter giveaway 

RABT Book Tours & PR

Tour Kick Off: I Know a Guy Named Noah Guy by Jeanne Ward #nowontour #childrensbook #rabtbooktours

Children's Book


I Know a Guy Named Noah Guy is a delightful and imaginative rhyming picture book that will capture the hearts of young readers! Follow along with Noah Guy, a character who knows he’s in a book, as he takes you on whimsical adventures where the only limit is your imagination. From riding bulls at the rodeo to joining the circus, Noah shows that anything is possible with a friend by your side.

This charming story celebrates friendship, teamwork, and the power of never giving up. The rhythmic verses are designed to engage young minds, promoting speech, cognitive development, and early literacy skills. Children will love the playful language, sound patterns, and the chance to predict what comes next—just like in their favorite nursery rhymes.

About the Author

My name is Jeanne Ward, I am a mother of three, grandmother of two and a business owner.  Family is everything to me.  Me and my eldest brother married siblings, creating a unique environment of double cousins and a close-knit family.   I live in Brooklyn NY where I own and operate an Early intervention program for young children with autism.  I opened my school in 1998, and I have all 3 of my siblings, had all 3 of my children, my daughters-in-laws, all my nieces and nephew, and my uncle work there at one time or another.  Additionally, I have my brother and brother-in-law who work tirelessly behind the scenes to make sure the school remains a success.  I am a special educator, and a Board Certified Behavior Analyst (BCBA) and love what I do for a living.

My eldest are twins.  One lives right outside Asheville North Carolina with his wife and daughter.  He, like me, is a special educator and a BCBA. Although he has a physics degree from NYU, he found a passion working with children with autism after he graduated college and working for me while applying to graduate school.   My other son, my partner in these books has moved back from Nashville Tenn and currently lives in Newburgh NY with his wife and newborn son.  My youngest, Phoenix, will leave for High Point University in North Carolina in a month.   I lost my husband to cancer nearly 6 years ago and I am about to be an empty nester.  It is my sincere hope to spend my days writing Noah Guy stories, running my school and being the best mom and grandma I can be.



October 21 - My Bookmarked Reads - Spotlight

October 22 - Ella English - Spotlight

October 23 -My Reading Addiction - Interview

October 24 - Momma Says to Read or Not to Read - Spotlight

October 25 - Sandra's Book Club - Review

October 28 -Sapphyria's Books - Spotlight

October 29 - Our Town Book Reviews - Review

October 30 -Books Blog - Spotlight

November 4 - A Life Through Books - Interview

November 5 - Liliyana Shadowlyn - Spotlight

November 6 - The Avid Reader - Interview

November 7 -Nana's book Reviews - Spotlight

November 8 -Momma and Her Stories - Excerpt

November 9 - Boys Mom Reads - Review

November 11 - Book Junkiez - Excerpt

November 12 -The Faerie Review - Spotlight

November 13 - Iron Canuck Reviews - Excerpt

November 14 - Tea Time and Books - Spotlight

November 16 - Reading Authors Network - Spotlight

November 18 - Kim's Book Reviews and Writing Aha's - Spotlight

November 19 - Matters That Count - Spotlight

November 20 - Texas Book Nook - Review

November 21 -Crossroad Reviews - Spotlight

November 22 - RABT Reviews - Wrap Up

RABT Book Tours & PR

Tour Kick Off: The Cats' Museum by Viviana Falleti #nowontour #childrensbook #rabtbooktours

Children's Books / Cats



The Cats' Museum - Mom’s Choice Awards® Recipient!




Catherine the Great, in 1766, recruited stray cats to protect her beloved Hermitage Museum from rodents. Generations later, to this day, cats are still working there, protecting the artwork and doing their zany mischief…tune in for a splash of fun!

Award-winning author Viviana Falleti has a new book out The Cats’ Museum. This spunky, historically-based book contains illustrations from the world-famous artist, Victoria Fomina. Victoria has just recently won an international award for the illustrations in this book. Publishers Weekly / Booklife and Kirkus have given The Cats’ Museum great reviews, and it has received the Mom’s Choice Award.

Just for your info, this is a high-quality, hardcover, oversized book (11” x 10.5”). This larger size makes the exquisitely-detailed illustrations even more beautiful.

Little Feather Press is becoming the go-to place for the parent who is “hungry for wholesome.” Happy reading!

About the Author

Viviana Maria Falleti is a woman of faith, an insightful children’s storyteller, a lover of all things cats, and an aficionado of splendidly-illustrated books. She aims to produce only the highest quality books, containing wholesome and engaging stories every child is sure to love. The talented world-famous artists she employs bring her wondrous books to life even more.

Viviana created Little Feather Press for the parent who is ‘hungry for wholesome’. Every book ordered from Little Feather Press can be presented to a child with the assurance that the child’s innocence and the beauty of childhood are respected. The stories entertain in the magical world of a child’s mind, without any corrupting influences.

In her childhood in Germany, Viviana would never tire of listening to storybooks that her mother lovingly read to her. She draws inspiration from those memories.

Viviana was born in Germany but has lived most of her adult life in America. She has a lovely daughter Ashley and son-in-law Brent, two wonderful nieces Maria and Maria Luisa, and a suave Italian husband Gino. Her current residence is in Southwest Florida.


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Purchase Link


October 21 - Our Town Book Reviews - Review

October 22 - Boys' Mom Reads - Review

October 23 - Liliyana Shadowlyn - Spotlight

October 24 - A Life Through Books - Interview

October 25 - Chapter Break - Review

October 28 - Books Blog - Spotlight

October 29 - Crossroad Reviews - Spotlight

October 30 - My Bookmarked Reads - Spotlight

October 31 - BRVL Book Review Virginia Lee - Spotlight

November 1 - Ella English - Excerpt

November 4 - Nana's book Reviews - Spotlight

November 5 - The Avid Reader - Interview

November 6 - Kim's Book Reviews and Writing Ah's - Spotlight

November 7 - Tea Time and Books - Spotlight

November 8 - Book Junkiez - Excerpt

November 11 - Matters That Count - Spotlight

November 12 - The Faerie Review - Spotlight

November 13 - Momma Says to Read or not to Read - Spotlight

November 14 - Iron Canuck Reviews - Review

November 18 - Sapphyria's Books - Spotlight

November 19 - Reading Authors Network - Review

November 20 - Momma and Her Stories - Excerpt

November 21 - My Reading Addiction - Interview

November 22 - RABT Reviews - Wrap Up

RABT Book Tours & PR