Contemporary Romance
Date Published: 7/9/15
Still in my twenties, I have it all. I am young, happy, and healthy, despite my wine and pizza addictions. I am a successful business owner who lives a life I love, free from any romantic commitments. To me, my life is perfect right now, except for just one small problem…
My mother.
She will tell you I am missing something in my life, that I should be married with kids and have a house with a white picket fence, even though I cannot think of anything worse.
Ignoring my constant protests, she manages to set me up on a series of horrendous blind dates. To pacify my mother and avoid being set up with another friend’s son, I am driven to do something I never thought I would.
I begin arranging dates through an agency.
This idea seems to work well, until my arranged date falls sick right before a family event. With no other options, I am forced to attend with the agency owner’s brother-in-law as my stand-in date. At this point, my perfect life suddenly becomes … complicated.
Ollie is sexy, fun, and intense. There is an instant connection between us, but is it strong enough to risk my perfect life plan?
I am single, free, and content. I don’t need a man.
However, Ollie is persistent, despite my reluctance, and now I am left wondering if it is possible that he may be the perfect match for me.
Can Ollie be the one man to finally accept me for me, or does he think he can change who I am and my opinions?
Does my story end with me happily-ever-single or with a happily-ever-after?
Or can there be room for both?
My mother.
She will tell you I am missing something in my life, that I should be married with kids and have a house with a white picket fence, even though I cannot think of anything worse.
Ignoring my constant protests, she manages to set me up on a series of horrendous blind dates. To pacify my mother and avoid being set up with another friend’s son, I am driven to do something I never thought I would.
I begin arranging dates through an agency.
This idea seems to work well, until my arranged date falls sick right before a family event. With no other options, I am forced to attend with the agency owner’s brother-in-law as my stand-in date. At this point, my perfect life suddenly becomes … complicated.
Ollie is sexy, fun, and intense. There is an instant connection between us, but is it strong enough to risk my perfect life plan?
I am single, free, and content. I don’t need a man.
However, Ollie is persistent, despite my reluctance, and now I am left wondering if it is possible that he may be the perfect match for me.
Can Ollie be the one man to finally accept me for me, or does he think he can change who I am and my opinions?
Does my story end with me happily-ever-single or with a happily-ever-after?
Or can there be room for both?
No, just a fun hobby that takes up almost ALL of my free time.
#2 – What was the Hardest Part of Your Writing Process?
#3 – Did you have any One Person Who Helped You Out with Your Writing Outside of
Your Family?
My Editors, Kristin and Alizon (C&D Editing) have been really encouraging and excited,
which has been really motivating for me.
#4 – What is next for your writing?
I have some new voices speaking to me in my head. It is looking like another sci-fi story.
#5 – Do you have an addiction to reading as well as writing? If so, what are you currently
Yes, I love reading. I’ve been reading a lot of E.A Price, C.P Smith and Shannon Mayer
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#WomenRuleTheWorld #WhoNeedsAMan #BlindDatesSuck
This or That?
#1 - iPd or Mp3? iPod
#2 – Chocolate or Vanilla? Chocolate
#3 – Mashed Potatoes or French Fries? French Fries
#4 – Comedy or Drama? Comedy
#5 – Danielle Steel or Nicholas Sparks? Nicholas Sparks.
#6 – Fantasy or Reality? Fantasy always!
#7 – Call or Text? Text
#8 – Public School or Home School? Home School
#9 – Coffee or Hot Chocolate? Hot Chocolate
#10 – eBook or Paperback? Ebook
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I am intrigued by this book because I am single myself!
ReplyDeleteWill they stay together? That's the question.
ReplyDeleteThe title itself intrigues me!
ReplyDeletegreat interview
ReplyDeleteThe romance in this book intrigues me
ReplyDeletei love that its a contemporary romance