Date Published: 5/15/13
Date Published: 5/15/13
There's always a choice.
Haedyn is the last Unnamed and the demon Azazel's personal assassin - his most prized servant. It's not
a title she wants, but it keeps her alive and that's all that matters. But when she is tricked into protecting
Lex, the same human her master is hunting, she learns of Azazel's terrifying plan to create an army of
evil souls - and that Lex isn't the only one slated for sacrifice.
Can Haedyn accept the truth of her past and face the demon who molded her in his image, or will she
#1 – Do You See Writing as a Career?
Yes, definitely. I've always wanted to be an author, so I knew going into this that I would have to treat it just like a full-time job or my own business. It takes a lot of discipline, which I'm still trying to find. I tend to get distracted by new ideas and characters, and books. A really good book will steal my attention every time!
#2 – What was the Hardest Part of Your Writing Process?
Plotting and outlining. I'm such a pantser when it comes to writing - I love to just sit and write whatever comes to mind without so much a thought to structure or plot lines. But I've learned that I absolutely need some type of guideline or map to follow so I can keep all the different threads of storyline from running amok. It tends to miff my muse somewhat when I write an outline, so I now try to keep it simple that way I have some wiggle room to be spontaneous and throw a twist in there whenever I feel the urge.
#3 – Did you have any One Person Who Helped You Out with Your Writing Outside of Your Family?
Brooke Warner from Warner Coaching was instrumental while writing The Unnamed. I learned a great deal from my time working with her. Also, authors CC MacKenzie, Samantha Warren, and Kristy K. James provided encouragement and advice the entire way. I love those ladies!
#4 – What is next for your writing?
I am currently working on the next novel and another short story in The Haedyn Chronicles, as well as a short story for The Black Crow Cafe series. Plus I have a paranormal thriller half way written that I'm dying to finish, and several other paranormal story ideas I can't wait to start.
#5 – Do you have an addiction to reading as well as writing?
If so, what are you currently reading? Unfortunately, my reading time has been limited so I can write more, but I do love to curl up with a good book. I just finished Stained by Emma James - loved it - and started reading an advanced review copy of The God Particle by Toby Tate.
DESCRIBE Your Book in 1 Tweet:
There's always a choice. Even when you're sure there isn't. Haedyn's Choice by @Jenn_L_Oliver http://amzn.to/10ItRcN #mustread #paranormal
This or That?
#1 - iPod or Mp3?
#2 – Chocolate or Vanilla?
Definitely chocolate.
#3 – Mashed Potatoes or French Fries?
Ooohhh... they're both good. French Fries, unless I can get the mashed potatoes loaded, then always go with loaded.
#4 – Comedy or Drama?
#5 – Danielle Steel or Nicholas Sparks?
Danielle Steel.
#6 – Fantasy or Reality?
Hm, well I love fantasy worlds in my TV, books, movies. But sometimes reality can be filled with so many wonderful things. After all, I wouldn't have my hubby if I lived in a fantasy world... unless someone wrote him in as my hero. :)
#7 – Call or Text?
Call. I can't text as fast as my youngest daughter, so it's easier just to say it. :)
#8 – Public School or Home School?
Both are great. I went to public but I've known some mothers who home school and they are awesome.
#9 – Coffee or Hot Chocolate?
Ack - another tough one! Coffee in the mornings and hot chocolate when I need a chocolate fix - which tends to be often.
#10 – eBook or Paperback?
I prefer paperbacks because I like the feel of the book in my hands. However, I have a ton of ebooks - they are just more convenient to carry around.
Yes, definitely. I've always wanted to be an author, so I knew going into this that I would have to treat it just like a full-time job or my own business. It takes a lot of discipline, which I'm still trying to find. I tend to get distracted by new ideas and characters, and books. A really good book will steal my attention every time!
#2 – What was the Hardest Part of Your Writing Process?
Plotting and outlining. I'm such a pantser when it comes to writing - I love to just sit and write whatever comes to mind without so much a thought to structure or plot lines. But I've learned that I absolutely need some type of guideline or map to follow so I can keep all the different threads of storyline from running amok. It tends to miff my muse somewhat when I write an outline, so I now try to keep it simple that way I have some wiggle room to be spontaneous and throw a twist in there whenever I feel the urge.
#3 – Did you have any One Person Who Helped You Out with Your Writing Outside of Your Family?
Brooke Warner from Warner Coaching was instrumental while writing The Unnamed. I learned a great deal from my time working with her. Also, authors CC MacKenzie, Samantha Warren, and Kristy K. James provided encouragement and advice the entire way. I love those ladies!
#4 – What is next for your writing?
I am currently working on the next novel and another short story in The Haedyn Chronicles, as well as a short story for The Black Crow Cafe series. Plus I have a paranormal thriller half way written that I'm dying to finish, and several other paranormal story ideas I can't wait to start.
#5 – Do you have an addiction to reading as well as writing?
If so, what are you currently reading? Unfortunately, my reading time has been limited so I can write more, but I do love to curl up with a good book. I just finished Stained by Emma James - loved it - and started reading an advanced review copy of The God Particle by Toby Tate.
DESCRIBE Your Book in 1 Tweet:
There's always a choice. Even when you're sure there isn't. Haedyn's Choice by @Jenn_L_Oliver http://amzn.to/10ItRcN #mustread #paranormal
This or That?
#1 - iPod or Mp3?
#2 – Chocolate or Vanilla?
Definitely chocolate.
#3 – Mashed Potatoes or French Fries?
Ooohhh... they're both good. French Fries, unless I can get the mashed potatoes loaded, then always go with loaded.
#4 – Comedy or Drama?
#5 – Danielle Steel or Nicholas Sparks?
Danielle Steel.
#6 – Fantasy or Reality?
Hm, well I love fantasy worlds in my TV, books, movies. But sometimes reality can be filled with so many wonderful things. After all, I wouldn't have my hubby if I lived in a fantasy world... unless someone wrote him in as my hero. :)
#7 – Call or Text?
Call. I can't text as fast as my youngest daughter, so it's easier just to say it. :)
#8 – Public School or Home School?
Both are great. I went to public but I've known some mothers who home school and they are awesome.
#9 – Coffee or Hot Chocolate?
Ack - another tough one! Coffee in the mornings and hot chocolate when I need a chocolate fix - which tends to be often.
#10 – eBook or Paperback?
I prefer paperbacks because I like the feel of the book in my hands. However, I have a ton of ebooks - they are just more convenient to carry around.

Jennifer L.
Oliver was born and raised in North Carolina
and now lives on Florida 's
gulf coast with her husband, two cats, a Royal Bahamian Potcake dog, and
multiple fish. She is the author of dark urban fantasy and paranormal
thrillers. When she's not writing, you can find her giggling with her granddaughter
and enjoying time with her family and friends. For more about Jennifer, visit
her website at www.jenniferloliver.com or follow her on Facebook, Twitter,
and Pinterest.
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Thanks so much for having me here today!