Sunday, October 13, 2013

Tour Kick Off - Meet and Greet - For Your Heart by A.L. Davroe

YA Paranormal Romance
Date Published: 10/31/2013

Experience THE BALLAD OF TAM LIN like you’ve never read it before…

It has been seven years since Jeanette Sauderheim followed her best friend into Carver Hall Park...and came out alone. Jeanette has never gotten over his mysterious disappearance nor has she gone back into the park. While that traumatic night still haunts her, Jeanette distracts herself by balancing her time between trying to pass Spanish, hanging out with her friends, and reading the latest manga.

But, when a promise to a friend drives her back into the park, she's forced to re-live the memories of that night. Lost and confused, Jeanette crosses paths with Tamrin, whose violent reaction to her provides yet another reason to avoid the park.

Tamrin, a knight of the Summer Court, has been sent to Earth to guard a garden of roses that hold special meaning to the queen of the Summer faeries. When his distraction at meeting Jeanette leads to her picking one of the Summer Queen’s roses, Tamrin vows to right his failure to do his duty.

However, the equivalent of one of the queen’s roses is a human heart and Tamrin’s reluctance to readily exact the sum from Jeanette sets in motion a spiral of love, betrayal, and magic that could mean damnation for them both.

*This is an Upper YA paranormal romance novel with NA and contemporary fantasy appeal.

#1 – Do You See Writing as a Career?

It definitely can be!  For some writers, writing can be a hobby – something you do for fun -- or a job – something you do for money.  For others, it’s a life choice.  In my case, it’s a career goal.  I can’t envision myself being anything other than a writer, so all my life choices are made around establishing a career as a writer.

#2 – What was the Hardest Part of Your Writing Process?

There are tons of difficult aspects to being an author.  Process specific?  Hm…I think dealing with how angsty my “muse” can be.  I can go for months with writers block or months of feeling like nothing I write is good.  It makes me want to both cry and scream. Then, something just snaps and I can finish a decent novel in a week or two.  This often leads to no sleep, no food, and my friends, house, and family getting ignored for a while.  Trying to cope with that kind of hot and cold creativity can get a little dicey.

#3 – Did you have any One Person Who Helped You Out with Your Writing Outside of Your Family?

I’ve had tons of help from people other than my family.  My friends, obviously, have been super supportive.  A few in particular are my line editor, my cheerleader, my mentor, and my cover artist.  Outside of my friends, I’ve met a couple of random people through social networking that have been excellent beta readers and sounding boards for me.

#4 – What is next for your writing?

Just keep writing!  I’ve got more than half a dozen stories that I’m actively working on and a few that are completed and ready for publication.  I’m planning to continue working with my agent to get contracts and also publishing some of my work on my own.  Within the next year or two, readers can look forward to more novels in the Hill Dweller series, a YA horror, a YA cyberpunk, and an adult Steampunk.

#5 – Do you have an addiction to reading as well as writing? If so, what are you currently reading?

Of course I’m addicted to books!  Currently, I’m reading INK by Amanda Sun, THE HUNT by Andrew Fukuda, and HOOD by Stephen Lawhead.

DESCRIBE Your Book in 1 Tweet:

When the heart of the one you love has been stolen by a faerie queen, what would you do to get it back?

This or That?

#1 - iPd or Mp3?

#2 – Chocolate or Vanilla?

#3 – Mashed Potatoes or French Fries?
Alas for my poor heart, French Fries!

#4 – Comedy or Drama?
Drama!  But with a little humor thrown in there, like Downton Abbey.

#5 – Danielle Steel or Nicholas Sparks?
Would you believe I’ve never read Sparks?  So, I guess Steel by default?

#6 – Fantasy or Reality?
Fantasy, real life is boring!

#7 – Call or Text?
Text, I’m lazy.

#8 – Public School or Home School?
Public school, it gives the kids a special kind of experience

#9 – Coffee or Hot Chocolate?
Hot chocolate, I don’t like coffee

#10 – eBook or Paperback?
Paperback, there’s just something wonderful about the real thing.

A.L. Davroe writes both YA and adult speculative fiction.  Her debut YA paranormal romance novel, FOR YOUR HEART, releases October 31, 2013.  By day, she lives in Connecticut her two feline hench-creatures. She’s a terrible blusher, has a weak spot for cuddly animals, loves Laffy Taffy and Cadbury MiniEggs, and she’s a huge advocate of alternative healing methods.  She also wears Vibram five-finger toe shoes and corsets...Though not always in the same ensemble. She’s a Capricorn, a Hufflepuff, and a few nuggets short of a Happy Meal.
Twitter: @aldavroe

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1 comment:

  1. Hello Everyone! Thanks for stopping by and checking out my new book. I'm so excited (and nervous) to finally share one of my novels with the world. I hope you all enjoy it! Today I'm going to be at the Riverton Fair enjoying loaded sweet potatoes in your honor, but I'll certainly check in when I can to answer any questions or comments!
    -Amanda (A.L. Davroe)
