Paranormal Romantic Comedy
Date Published: 1/25/2013
My name is Meghan Foster and I'm going to save you from yourself.
That is, if a certain someone doesn't stop me...
Don't let the pretty face fool you. I am a product of a seriously troubled past, but I'm a resilient little bugger. I'm a night shift stock replenishing machine and if by chance, you don't think that sounds too exciting? You are sorely mistaken, my friend. This is my life. I can't explain it. I won't even attempt to try.
I do have certain powers of persuasion that I am more than willing to use, especially if aforementioned 'certain someone' doesn't interfere.
His name is Lance and he is by far the most delicious creature I've ever laid eyes on. I have no idea who he is or what he wants with me, but I guess I'm about to find out the hard way...
Who says stocking shelves is boring?
That is, if a certain someone doesn't stop me...
Don't let the pretty face fool you. I am a product of a seriously troubled past, but I'm a resilient little bugger. I'm a night shift stock replenishing machine and if by chance, you don't think that sounds too exciting? You are sorely mistaken, my friend. This is my life. I can't explain it. I won't even attempt to try.
I do have certain powers of persuasion that I am more than willing to use, especially if aforementioned 'certain someone' doesn't interfere.
His name is Lance and he is by far the most delicious creature I've ever laid eyes on. I have no idea who he is or what he wants with me, but I guess I'm about to find out the hard way...
Who says stocking shelves is boring?
#1 – Do You See Writing as a Career?
Not really. I love my job. I love writing also, but I’m not
sure I’ll ever make as much money writing as I do working. (I am a realist, in some respects…) Hey, if
someone wants to give me a million bucks for writing… I suppose I could squeak
#2 – What was the Hardest Part of Your Writing Process?
I always know where I want to go with my characters. I have
the situations and dialogue all mapped out in my head. The hardest part is
getting the characters into those situations, into the conversations - but
doing it in a believable fashion. Sometimes I have to stop writing for days
until it comes to me. (Usually in the middle of a conference call or a meeting
at work, unfortunately.)
#3 – Did you have any One Person Who Helped You Out with
Your Writing Outside of Your Family?
My friend Peg is my beta reader. I worked with her husband
and he casually mentioned that she was a book fiend so I printed a copy of my
first novel and the feedback was wonderful! She really encouraged me to keep
going. Before finding her, I wasn’t so sure…
#4 – What is next for your writing?
I’m working on a murder mystery/comedy/sometimes dramatic
book that I think is tough for any writer – even a seasoned one, to pull off.
British characters (I’m American), flashbacks, a twist and a big reveal in the
middle of the novel that I hope I can get readers to stay interested long
enough to get to. This one is really difficult to keep flowing and not lose
people. I’m almost to the twist and it’s getting more and more difficult. If I
can pull this off, I have the makings of a very entertaining book on my hands.
If I can just finish it!
#5 – Do you have an addiction to reading as well as writing?
If so, what are you currently reading?
I read much more than I write. I can devour a good full
length novel in a night if it interests me. I think the next in queue will be
Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn. I’ve heard great things about that book. I just
finished Wallbanger and I loved it.
DESCRIBE Your Book in 1 Tweet:
If you like mushy, heartwarmingly dramatic love scenes,
timid, gorgeous heroines with self-conscious body images, heroes that are just
too good, too hot, and too rich to believe and an everlasting, sweetly romantic
happy ever after with sprinkles…Yeah, this book is not for you. Get real.
This or That?
#1 - iPd or Mp3? Ipd
#2 – Chocolate or Vanilla? Twist
#3 – Mashed Potatoes or French Fries? Mashed
#4 – Comedy or Drama? Comedy
#5 – Danielle Steel or Nicholas Sparks? Danielle Steel
#6 – Fantasy or Reality? Fantasy
#7 – Call or Text? Text
#8 – Public School or Home School ?
Public School
#9 – Coffee or Hot Chocolate? Coffee!

Anlyn Hansell is a 40-something wife and mother of one residing in a small town in South-Central PA. She has a BS in Distribution, a Masters in Business and an overactive imagination to boot. Writing credits previously included all manner of extremely boring ISO documentation, a published editorial on core sand in a foundry magazine and a recurring article in her company newsletter. Not much chance for creative writing there! She began her writing career two years ago, and in that time, has completed seven full length novels. The first four novels centered around romance, but she quickly began including a mystery element to keep the pages turning. She enjoys cooking and baking and of course, indulging in the products of those pursuits. She not only loves to write, she is compelled to do so. Every morning, starting at around 3:30 am, you can find her in her living room tapping away in the dark. It truly is the best time to write! She is currently working on yet another endeavor with the sole purpose of keeping her readers up well into the night.
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I'm interested in the mix of comedy and paranormal :)