Young Adult - Romance
Date Published: 5/22/2013
Companion Novella to The Unofficial Zack Warren Fan Club
Kyle B. Johnston is looking for a girl. A nice one. One who actually wants to be with him this
time. His friend, Emma Parker, offers to help him improve his image. in return he agrees
to set her up with a good guy. When Kyle starts to see Emma as something other than a
friend, he keeps it a secret.
But what Kyle doesn't know is that Emma's been keeping a secret of her own.
time. His friend, Emma Parker, offers to help him improve his image. in return he agrees
to set her up with a good guy. When Kyle starts to see Emma as something other than a
friend, he keeps it a secret.
But what Kyle doesn't know is that Emma's been keeping a secret of her own.
#1 – Do You See Writing as a Career?
I do, because it is my career. Writing is my full time job,
and I love it!
#2 – What was the Hardest Part of Your Writing Process?
The hardest part was figuring out how long it would take
from the time I typed “The End” to the day I had it up for sale. At first I did
everything myself, but then as I became more experienced and had help from an
editor and formatter, it was a lot easier to figure out when I could have a book
ready. It’s still not exact. Normally I don’t give dates as to when I will have
a book out. Usually I give a month.
#3 – Did you have any One Person Who Helped You Out with
Your Writing Outside of Your Family?
To be honest, I’ve really kept this close, and haven’t let
many people on to what I was doing until recently. My friend Rachel read one of
my books and gave me some great criticism. Other than that, I was on my own
until I had an editor.
#4 – What is next for your writing?
Finishing books! I have four I am working on right now, and
I love all of them! I also want to write something a little older…. Maybe some
Chic Lit.
#5 – Do you have an addiction to reading as well as writing?
If so, what are you currently reading?
I started writing because I loved reading so much. I’d say I
have an addiction to both reading and writing. I just finished Poison Princess
by Kresley Cole. I loved it! It was a great twist on paranormal, using tarot
cards…I don’t want to give anything away so I won’t say anything else. I can’t
wait to read the next in the series!
This or That?
#1 - iPd or Mp3? iPod
#2 – Chocolate or Vanilla? Vanilla!
#3 – Mashed Potatoes or French Fries? I’m a French fry
#4 – Comedy or Drama? Comedy :P
#5 – Danielle Steel or Nicholas Sparks? Uh….Neither? If I
can pick my own, Kresley Cole.
#6 – Fantasy or Reality? Fantasy.
#7 – Call or Text? Text me!
#8 – Public School or Home School? I went public, but now I
side with the home schooling crowd.
#9 – Coffee or Hot Chocolate? Hot chocolate.
#10 – eBook or Paperback? I love the smell of a musty old
paperback book! And I think the dog-ears give it character, like a hot guy with
a scar!
J.C. Isabella is the author of Chasing McCree and The Unofficial Zack Warren Fan Club. Ever since she discovered romance novels in high school, she has been a self proclaimed fan. This led to penning her first YA . When she isn't thinking up new recipes for the cookbook she hopes to one day write, she is brainstorming a new novel and listening to country music. She lives in the tropics of Florida with her big fat Italian family and ornery feline companion.
J.C. Isabella is the author of Chasing McCree and The Unofficial Zack Warren Fan Club. Ever since she discovered romance novels in high school, she has been a self proclaimed fan. This led to penning her first YA . When she isn't thinking up new recipes for the cookbook she hopes to one day write, she is brainstorming a new novel and listening to country music. She lives in the tropics of Florida with her big fat Italian family and ornery feline companion.
Twitter @jcisabellabooks
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